nan · cy · ful. [nan-see-fuhl]
- adjective
1. indulging in or influenced by Nancy; "a nancyful mind"
2. characterized or suggested by Nancy
3. having a curiously intricate and delicate quality
4. based on fact, reason, and experience; in other words, keepin' it real.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


She wondered if anybody understood, if anybody knew.

She wondered if anybody else felt this way.  Was she the only one?

She wondered if anybody else shared these thoughts.  Was she going crazy?

Everything was wrong.  Everything was out of place.  Everything mattered.  Nothing mattered.

The face in the mirror stared blankly at her.  She hated what she saw.  The hair, the skin, the eyes, the teeth, the lips, the arms, the body, the color, the dullness, the bulge here, the drooping there, the crookedness here, the lopsidedness there, the imperfections,...everywhere.   Everywhere.  It was everywhere.  It surrounded her, enveloped her, overwhelmed her, swallowed her alive and spit out her remains.  When she brushed her teeth, she walked all around the house, up and down the stairs, room to room, until she had to rinse.  When she combed her hair, she scanned the imperfections of the oatmeal colored bathroom walls.  When she applied her make-up, she stood at just the right distance and just the right angle.  Any closer, she might see too much; any farther, she might see it all.  She was so observant.

She was too observant. 

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